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The Border Legion Zane Grey 10160K 2023-09-02

It htmare, a

delirium of drink, that Joan Randle was there on her knees in a

brazenhim, not to

spare her life, but to believe in her innocence

Joan burst into swift, broken utterance: "Only listen! I trailed you

out--twenty miles from Hoadley I met Roberts He came with me He

lamed his horse--we had to camp Kells rode down on us He had two

he--killed Roberts--made off

with meThen he killed his men--just to have e--camped in the canon There he

attacked me--and I--I shot him!But I couldn't leave hi strength and

eloquence as she saw the weakening of Cleve "First he said I was

his wife to fool that Gulden--and the others," she went on "He

uessed or found outKells

forced me into these bandit clothes He's depraved, so Kells hasn't harmed me--no one has I've

influence over him He can't resist it He's tried to force ive up to his evil intentions But he

can't There's good in him I can make him feel itOh, he loves

me, and I'm not afraid of him any moreIt has been a terrible

tiirl you knew--you used


Cleve dropped the gun and he waved his hand before his eyes as if to

dispel a blindness

"But hy?" he asked, incredulously "Why did you leave Hoadley?

That's forbidden You knew the risk"