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Page 104 (1/2)

"Jesse Smith's hoss, I swear!" shouted the tall er, at the door, and niroup Pearce and Wood and others followed

"What's up?" called the bandit "Hello! Who's that riding bareback?"

"He's shore cuttin' the wind," said Wood

"Blicky!" exclaimed the tall man "Kells, there's news I seen

Jesse's hoss"

Kells let out a strange, exultant cry The excited talk aave place, to a subdueda horse up the road, hanging low over him, like an Indian

He clattered to the bench, scattered the ed and pounded Blicky was gray of face and wild of


"Jesse's come!" he yelled, hoarsely, at Kells "He jest fell off his

hoss--all in! He wants you--an' all the gang! He's seen a old-dust!"

Absolute silence ensued after that last swift and startling speech

It broke to a co of yells and shouts Blicky wheeled his

horse and Kells started on a run And there was a starasped her opportunity She had seen all this exciteot up frorasped hiht But her tongue seemed cloven to the

roof of her mouth, her lips weak andthe pines--right away!" she whispered, with

breathless earnestness "It's life--or death--for me!"

As she released his arm he snatched at her mask But she eluded him

"Who ARE you?" he flashed

Kells and histhe brook,

hurrying on They had no thought but to get to Jesse Sold strike That news to theold in the