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The Border Legion Zane Grey 10440K 2023-09-02

Upon the return trip up the gulch Joan foundar near theaze One rowdy, half hidden by a , curved hands round his

mouth and called, softly, "Hullo, sweetheart!"

Joan was ashamed that she could feel insulted She was amazed at the

temper which sees she had never drea the trail,

she headed for the other side of the gulch There were cluh which she threaded a way, looking

for a good place to cross The horse snorted for water Apparently

she was not going to find any better crossing, so she turned the

horse into a narrow lane through the s and, dis on a

mossy bank, she slipped the bridle so the horse could drink

Suddenly she became aware that she was not alone But she saw no one

in front of her or on the other side of her horse Then she turned

Ji from his knees He had a towel in

his hand His face et He stood no more than ten steps from


Joan could not have repressed a little cry to save her life The

surprise was treer She expected

to hear him call her naht, was as drawn

and white as that of a corpse Only his eyes see flash of scorn leaped to thenized in her a woarb proclaimed her to be A sad and bitter smile crossed his

face; and then it was followed by an expression that was a lash upon

Joan's bleeding spirit He looked at her shapely person with

solance that had been so revolting