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The men had Kells half turned over with the flesh of his back
"Aw, Gul, it's whisky he needs," said one
"If you let out any more blood he'll croak sure," protested another
"Look hoeak he is," said Red Pearce
"It's a hell of a lot you know," roared Gulden "I served my time--
but that's none of your businessLook here! See that blue
spot!" Gulden pressed a huge finger down upon the blue welt on
Kells's back The bandit moaned "That's lead--that's the bullet,"
declared Gulden
"Wall, if you ain't correct!" exclaimed Pearce
Kells turned his head "When you punched that place--it made me numb
all over Gul, if you've located the bullet, cut it out"
Joan did not watch the operation As she went away to the seat under
the balsarim
Gulden had been both swift and successful
Presently the an to attend to their
horses and the pack-train