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"Perhaps you had best be quiet," replied Joan

"No I've been shot before I'll get over this--if my back's not

broken How can we tell?"

"I've no idea"

"Lift ht open your wound," protested Joan

"Lift me up!" The force of the man spoke even in his lohisper

"But hy?" asked Joan

"I want to see--if I can sit up If I can't--give un"

"I won't let you have it," replied Joan Then she slipped her ar posture, released

her hold

"I'asped, with thick drops

standing out on his white face "I can't--stand it"

But tortured or not, he sat up alone, and even had the will to bend

his back Then with a groan he fainted and fell into Joan's arms

She laid him down and worked over hi hi, speechless But she

believed he would live and told hie sratefully

"I'll beat this out," he said, weakly "I'll recover My back's not

broken I'll get well Now you bring water and food in here--then
