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When Joan thought how Jiht
became vivid She sat alone under the spruce-trees near the cabin
The shadows thickened, and then lightened under a rising h of soe, and the murmur of the brook Jim was later than usual Very
likely, as her uncle had hinted, Jim had tarried at the saloon that
had lately disrupted the peace of the village The village was
growing, and Joan did not like the change There were tooe store; noas an ordeal Somehow
Jim had seemed to be unfavorably influenced by these new conditions
Still, he had never a she had, was reaching a clier for him, and when she did see him it
would be to tell hiht rustle behind her Before she could
turn someone seized her in powerful arms She was bent backward in a
bearish ele nor cry out A
dark face loomed over hers--came closer Swift kisses closed her
eyes, burned her cheeks, and ended passionately on her lips They
had soered back, frightened, outraged She was so dazed she did
not recognize the h betrayed