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Harkless seized his hand and shook it fervently, and then laughed
heartily, as he accepted the invitation
At the gate, Miss Sherwood extended her hand to him and said politely, and
with soht, Mr Harkless I do not leave
to- to keep her all su her
"Good-night, Miss Sherwood," he returned, hilariously "It has been such a
pleasure toGood-night--good-night" He shook
hands with the with hihed most of the way home, and Mr Todd walked at his side in
a was a decrepit frame structure on Main
Street; it had once been a small warehouse and was now sadly in need of
paint Closely adjoining it, in a large, blank-looking yard, stood a low
brick cottage, over which the second story of the warehouse leaned in an
effect of tipsy affection that had reminded Harkless, when he first saw
it, of an old Sunday-school book wood-cut of an inebriated parent under
convoy of a devoted child The title to these two buildings and the blank
yard had been included in the purchase of the "Herald"; and the cottage
was Harkless's ho upstairs in the "Herald" office From the street