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Healy accepted Purdy's invitation, and dislie The men unsaddled, watered, fed, and then walked stiffly to the house Within five s, dead to the world, until Bess Purdy called the after the rest of the fa paw into, Brill?" demanded Bess promptly when he appeared in the doorway "Dan says it was close to three when you got hoteeth Bess was seventeen, a roe rider in a radius of thirtyfor a beau for you, Bess," Healy immediately explained
Miss Purdy tossed her head "I can find one for myself, Brill Healy, and I don't have to stay out till three to get hiht to your door, do they?" he asked, as she helped his
"Maybe they do, and ht in the ht So, Bess"
"Oh, you," she laughed, with a de in her hazel eyes
At this kind of rough give and take he was an adept After breakfast he stayed and helped her wash the dishes, roay bursts of laughter and such repartee as occurred to the that he did not get away until the one By the time he reached Seven Mile the sun was past thepatch of dust in the distance
Before he ell out of the saddle, Phyllis Sanderson was standing in the doorway of the store, with a question in her eyes
"Well?" he forced her to say at last
Leisurely he turned, as if just aware of her presence
"Oh, it's you Mornin', Phyl"
"What did you find out?"
"I met your friend"
"What friend?"
"Mr Keller, the rustler and bank robber," he drawled insolently, looking full in her face
"Tella roan with four white stockings and a wound on its flank"
She caught at the jamb "You didn't, Brill!"
"I ce'tainly did," he jeered
"What--what did you do?" Her lips hite as her cheeks
"I haven't done, anything--yet You see, I was alone The other boys hadn't arrived then"