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"I guessed"
Presently, at the entrance to a little cañon, Keller swung down and exaround carefully, seeully But she noticed that noent cautiously, eyes narrowed and wary, with the hard face and the look of a coiled spring she had seen on him before Her heart drummed with excitement She was not afraid, but she was fearfully alive
At the other entrance to the cañon, Larrabie was down again for another exaave hiive our attention to the gentleo, to-day"
They swung sharply to the north, taking a precipitous trail of shale that Phyllis judged to be a short cut It was rough going, but theirless than a perpendicular wall They claoats
At the su in the valley below--a rider on horseback, driving a calf
"There goes Mr Waddy, as big as coffee"
"He's going to swing round the point You mean to drop down the hill and cut hi after we pass that live oak See that little wash? We'll drop into it, and hide a hurriedly, driving the calf at a trot, half the time twisted in the saddle, with anxious eyes to the rear Revolvers and a rifle garnished hiave him no sense of safety
When the suun!" it was only a confirmation of his fears Yet he jumped as a boy jumps under the unexpected cut of a cane
The rifle went clattering to the stony trail Without being ordered to do so, the hands of the waddy were thrust skyward
"Why, it's Tom Dixon! We've made a mistake," Phyllis discovered; andplace
"We've made no mistake I told you I'd show you the rustler, and I've shown him to you," Keller answered, as he too stepped forward And to Toht of Phyllis: "Better keep theht Now, you ot into you?" de up a ot bent on , seh," the cattle detective told hi froedly