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This evening there arrived frorave, dark-faced son of the
picture cleaner, with a horse and cart laden with two large packing
cases, having ues,
and whenever a er arrived at the schloss from our little capital
of Gratz, we used to crowd about him in the hall, to hear the news
This arrival created in our secluded quarters quite a sensation The
cases ree of by the
servants till he had eaten his supper Then with assistants, and armed
with ha chisel, and turnscrew, he met us in the hall, where
we had asse of the cases
Car listlessly on, while one after the other the old
pictures, nearly all portraits, which had undergone the process of
renovation, were brought to light My arian
family, and most of these pictures, which were about to be restored to
their places, had coh her
My father had a list in his hand, froed out the corresponding nuood, but they were, undoubtedly, very old, and some of them
very curious also They had, for thenow