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Page 120 (1/2)

In a few days her letter was returned

"Not known," said Valodays

were occupied with arrange her absence

On one of these latter days Mr Francis calad you have co out her hand

"I wanted to thank you before I left for all your kindness to me, and

to ask you to continue to see Nance sometimes"

"Are you going to leave us, then?" said the young man, in a

disappointed tone

He had felt deeply interested in the girl who bore her desertion and

sorroith such patience, and had unconsciously been looking forward

to a continuance of the friendship begun between the, I hope?"

"Yes, for long; possibly for ever, except for a hasty visit to Nance

sometimes I shall trust her to you, Mr Francis, and I hope you will

be as kind to her as you have been to me"

"Certainly I will; but do not talk of kindness It has been a great

privilege to me, and a pleasure to know you, and I hope in the future

if I can be of any service to you, you will let me know"

Valmai took out her purse nervously, she hesitated to speak of

re to woundhis hand on her

purse, "by offering to pay me?"