Page 103 (1/2)
"Nothing is i case; keep
up the strength, nurse"
Everything was done that was possible for poor Cardo; the nurses were
unre roused hi the course of the day, the news of the finding of an unknown ton Hotel, where the waiter, with
another knoink and shake of the head, said, "On the razzle-dazzle
again, I expect Must be the sae, fro
to redirect them to his uncles house There was no letter or paper
found to indicate the naave
no clue
"What was the man's name?" said the waiter to Mr Si
"Don't know Charles Williams he is called at the hospital There was
no clue to his identity, but just the letters C W on his linen"
"Then, no doubt, his luggage is here," said the waiter "All his
things are marked C W, and, from your description, it must be the
same man"