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"Here it is, then," said Cardo "Valmai has neither father nor mother,

and lives up there with an old uncle, who takes no more notice of her

than he does of his cows or his sheep, but ould be quite capable

of shutting her up and feeding her on bread and water if he knew that

she ever exchanged greetings with a Churchuardian to boot"

A long-drahistle ynne Ellis's only answer, but he rubbed his

hands gleefully

"Then," continued Cardo, "on this side of the valley there isno interest in anything oted, bitter hatred of

all dissenters, especially Methodists, and most especially of the

Methodist preacher Why, Ellis, they convene public s on

purpose to pray for each other, and I believe if my father knew that I

loved Essec Powell's niece he would break his heart Therefore, I

cannot tell him--it is i as I have any being, to cease to love Valmai Now, there! what

way do you see out of that ht "My dear

fellow, you have pitched upon the right person I'll help you out of

your difficulties, but you ht!--to-morrow!" said Cardo, as they neared Brynderyn

When their voices reached the Vicar's ears, he paused in his reading,

and a look of pleasure softened his white face, but only for an