Page 45 (1/2)
"I believe you, Cardo, though I doubt if you realise the blessing you
enjoy in living a froe to thank God for on
your knees"
"Perhaps I feel it as h I couldn't put it
into words, all I know is, I had rather live here on five shillings a
week than I would on five pounds elsewhere"
"You are a s a week indeed! and
five pounds--worse! If you were not so er than
me I'd knock you down, Cardo Coht"
And they went out, the one to rhapsodise and to quote poetry; the other
to shock his friend with his plain, unvarnished rehts crossed the valley, and followed thedown frolimpse of her in the afternoon as
he returned froh Essec
Powell's fields Caught a glimpse of her only, for as ill luck would
have it, as he crossed one corner of the field she was reaching the
gate at the further corner Other maidens hite frocks and straw
hats, but his heart told hiing as she went, a long wreath of ox-eyed daisies
trailing behind her, the gate open and she was gone; but surely here