Page 23 (1/2)

"Yes, indeed," answered the girl, standing beside hi heart, "it is beautiful! I saw the sky through the chapel

, and I was thinking it would be very nice down here There's

bright and clear the e of the surf

"It reht It was out

of one of his old Welsh poets--Taliesin, or Davydd ap Gwilym, or

somebody It was about the lish"

"Try," said Cardo

"'She co the fields of night'"

"Dog-eared? But they are indeed," she said, laughing "But how do you

know? They old and leather, and spic and span from the

bookseller's, for all you know"

"No, I have seen the theht I was under the elder bushes, and saw you reading to your

uncle I watched you for a long time"

Valmai was silent

"You are not vexed with hts filled her ht it worth while to stand

under the night sky and watch her! It was a pleasant idea, and,

thinking of it, she did not speak