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"Coen, and he raved most

dreadful 'Why look at her!' he cries out 'She's a shaking the shroud

at me! Don't you see her? Look at her eyes! Ain't it awful to see her so

mad?' Next he cries, 'She'll put it on me, and then I'm done for! Take

it away from her, take it away!' And then he catched hold of us, and kep

on a talking to her, and answering of her, till I half believed I see

her iv hiet the

horrors off, and by and by he quieted 'O, she's gone! Has her keeper

been for her?' he says 'Yes,' says Compeyson's wife 'Did you tell hily thing away

froood creetur,' he says,

'don't leave me, whatever you do, and thank you!' "He rested pretty quiet till it ht want a few minutes of five, and

then he starts up with a screaain She's unfolding it She's co to the bed Hold me, both on you--one of each