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On the followingFerdinand returned with his friends to

Palermo, where he first disclosed the late fatal events of the castle

They now settled their future plans; and Ferdinand hastened to the

castle of Mazzini to fetch Eive orders for the removal

of his household to his palace at Naples, where he designed to fix his

future residence The distress of Emilia, whom he found recovered from

her indisposition, yielded to joy and wonder, when she heard of the

existence of her mother, and the safety of her sister She departed

with Ferdinand for Palermo, where her friends awaited her, and where

the joy of the htened by the appearance

of Madame de Menon, for whoustin's Madame had quitted the abbey for another

convent, to which, however, the er was directed This happy

party now embarked for Naples

From this period the castle of Mazzini, which had been the theatre of

a dreadful catastrophe; and whose scenes would have revived in the

es connected with it, painful and shocking

reflections--was abandoned

On their arrival at Naples, Ferdinand presented to the king a clear

and satisfactory account of the late events at the castle, in

consequence of which the marchioness was confirmed in her rank, and

Ferdinand was received as the sixth Marquis de Mazzini