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'From that fatal day, until very lately, I saw the marquis no

more--but was attended by a person who had been for some years

dependant upon his bounty, and whom necessity, united to an insensible

heart, had doubtless induced to accept this office He generally

brought me a week's provision, at stated intervals, and I reht

'Contrary to my expectation, or my wish, nature did that for me which

medicine had refused, and I recovered as if to punish with

disappointment and anxiety my cruel tyrant I afterwards learned,

that in obedience to the marquis's order, I had been carried to this

spot by Vincent during the night, and that I had been buried in effigy

at a neighbouring church, with all the pomp of funeral honor due to my

rank' At the name of Vincent Julia started; the doubtful words he had

uttered on his deathbed were now explained--the cloud of s broke at once away: and

each particular circumstance that had excited her former terror, arose

to her view entirely unveiled by the words of theand total desertion of this part of the fabric--the light that

had appeared through the caseure she had seen issue froht noises she had heard--were circumstances

evidently dependant on the imprisonment of the marchioness; the latter