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Eth released from the confinement she had so unjustly
suffered She had now the use of her old apartments, where, solitary
and dejected, her hours , eret for the lost society of madame The
marchioness, whose pleasures suffered a te the
present confusion at the castle, exercised the ill-humoured caprice,
which disappoint
subject Emilia was condemned to suffer, and to endure without the
privilege of co the events of the last feeeks, she saw those most dear to her banished, or imprisoned by the
secret influence of a woman, every feature of whose character was
exactly opposite to that of the amiable mother she had been appointed
to succeed
The search after Julia still continued, and was still unsuccessful
The astonishment of the marquis increased with his disappointnorant of the country, and destitute of
friends, have possibly found an asylue on her head, whenever she should be found, the trouble and
vexation she now caused hireed with the duke to relinquish
for a while the search; till Julia, gaining confidence froradually suppose herself
secure froe from