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The table was quickly covered with luxurious provisions, and orders

were given that the duke's people should be adaled with a variety of the finest wines, and at length,

highly elevated by monastic hospitality, he retired to the apart the Superior in a condition which precluded all

cere, very well pleased with the accoion He had been told that the enjoyn of our gratitude

to Heaven; and it appeared, that within the walls of a Sicilian

monastery, the precept and the practice were equally enforced

He was now at a loss what course to chuse, for he had no clue to

direct hiorated, and urged hiues

frohtinto Italy He therefore

deter the shore

At the house where he stopped to dine, he learned that two persons,

such as he described, had halted there about an hour before his

arrival, and had set off again inhaste They had taken

the road towards the coast, whence it was obvious to the duke they

designed to embark He stayed not to finish the repast set before

him, but instantly remounted to continue the pursuit

To the enquiries he made of the persons he chanced to meet, favorable

ansere returned for a tith bewildered in