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'It is now then my turn to be satisfied,' replied the marquis, 'and
till I am, not one of you shall stir Open me that door'--'My
lord!'--'Nay,' said thea look of stern
authority--'dispute not my commands I am not to be trifled with'
They now stepped forward, and applied their strength to the door, when
a loud and sudden noise burst froh the
hollow cha
headlong down the stair-case, when the voice of the marquis arrested
their flight They returned, with hearts palpitating with terror
'Observe what I say,' said theto one at soh other
rooms to this chamber--unlock it therefore, for I will know the cause
of these sounds' Shocked at this detero no farther; and to be obeyed, he was
obliged to exert all his authority The door was opened, and
discovered a long narrow passage, into which they descended by a few
steps It led to a gallery that terminated in a back stair-case, where
several doors appeared, one of which the marquis unclosed A spacious
chamber appeared beyond, whose walls, decayed and discoloured by the
damps, exhibited asuite of lofty and noble apartth they came to the
chamber whence the noise had issued 'Go first, Robert, with the
light,' said the marquis, as they approached the door; 'this is the
key' Robert trembled--but obeyed, and the other servants followed in
silence They stopped a moment at the door to listen, but all was
still within The door was opened, and disclosed a large vaulted
round, they discovered at once the cause of the alarm--A part of the