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This they crossed towards a door, after opening which, they

were to find their way, through various passages, to a remote part of

the castle, where a private door opened upon the walls Ferdinand

carried the several keys They fastened the hall door after the in a stair-case

They descended, and had hardly reached the bottom, when they heard a

loud noise at the door above, and presently the voices of several

people Julia scarcely felt the ground she trod on, and Ferdinand flew

to unlock a door that obstructed their way He applied the different

keys, and at length found the proper one; but the lock was rusted, and

refused to yield Their distress was not now to be conceived The

noise above increased; and it see the

door Hippolitus and Ferdinand vainly tried to turn the key A sudden

crash fro

another desperate effort, the key broke in the lock Treave herself up for lost As she hung upon Ferdinand,

Hippolitus vainly endeavoured to sooth her--the noise suddenly ceased

They listened, dreading to hear the sounds renewed; but, to their

utter astonishment, the silence of the place remained undisturbed

They had now ti their escape; for from the marquis they had no mercy to

hope Hippolitus, in order to ascertain whether the people had quitted

the door above, began to ascend the passage, in which he had not gone