Page 42 (1/2)

'Pardon , 'suffer me to'--'I am not

easily deceived, madam,' interrupted the duke,--'your conduct can be

attributed only to the influence of a prior attach a lady, such a circuht to arraign your choice Per' He bowed low, and quitted the room Julia now

experienced a new distress; she dreaded the resentment of the marquis,

when he should be informed of her conversation with the duke, of whose

character she now judged too justly not to repent the confidence she

had reposed in hi Julia, went to the marquis, hom he

remained in conversation some hours When he had left the castle, the

hter, and poured forth his resentment with

all the violence of threats, and all the acrimony of conte of her heart, and

so dreadfully did he denounce vengeance on her disobedience, that she

scarcely thought herself safe in his presence She stood tre

and confused, and heard his reproaches without the power to reply At

length the marquis informed her, that the nuptials would be solemnized

on the third day from the present; and as he quitted the room, a flood

of tears ca

Julia passed the reht

returned, but brought her no peace She sat long after the departure

of Euile recollection, she selected a favorite

author, endeavouring to revive those sensations his page had once

excited She opened to a passage, the tender sorrohich was

applicable to her own situation, and her tears floean Her grief

was soon suspended by apprehension Hitherto a deadly silence had

reigned through the castle, interrupted only by the wind, whose low

sound crept at intervals through the galleries She now thought she