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Madame ceased to speak, and Emilia and Julia wept to the memory of the

s of

ether with her former friendship for the late marchioness,

endeared her to her pupils, who from this period endeavoured by every

kind and delicate attention to obliterate the traces of her sorrows

Madame was sensible of this tenderness, and it was productive in soree of the effect desired But a subject soon after occurred, which

drew off their minds from the consideration of their mother's fate to

a subject ht that Emilia and Julia had been detained by company, in

ceremonial restraint, later than usual, they were induced, by the easy

conversation of madame, and by the pleasure which a return to liberty

naturally produces, to defer the hour of repose till the night was far

advanced They were engaged in interesting discourse, when , was interrupted by a low hollow sound, which

arose fro of a

door Chilled into a silence, they listened and distinctly heard it


Deadly ideas crowded upon their iinations, and inspired a

terror which scarcely allowed them to breathe The noise lasted only

for a s at

length relaxed, and suffered theain they heard the same sounds Almost distracted with fear, they

rushed into madame's apartment, where Emilia sunk upon the bed and