Page 16 (1/2)

When the ball broke up, she retired to her apartment, but not to

sleep Joy is as restless as anxiety or sorrow She seemed to have

entered upon a new state of existence;--those fine springs of

affection which had hitherto lain concealed, were now touched, and

yielded to her a happiness ination had

ever painted She reflected on the tranquillity of her past life, and

co it with the emotions of the present hour, exulted in the

difference All her former pleasures now appeared insipid; she

wondered that they ever had power to affect her, and that she had

endured with content the dull uniformity to which she had been

condemned It was now only that she appeared to live Absorbed in the

single idea of being beloved, her iions

of roh above the possibility of evil

Since she was beloved by Hippolitus, she could only be happy

Froht, she akened by the sound of

music immediately under herIt was a lute touched by a

masterly hand After a wild and ic expression swelled into an air so pathetic and tender, that

it seemed to breathe the very soul of love The chords of the lute

were struck in low and sweet acco words;


Still is the night-breeze!--not a lonely sound