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Never should your heart be freer than le stab of doubt brings to the soul, trelance I confidedThe purest feelings that ever took root in a young girl's

breast are yours The thought and meditation of which I have told you

served only to enrich the mind; but if ever the wounded heart turns to

the brain for counsel, be sure the young girl would show so

I swear to you, Felipe, if you love me, as I believe you do and if I

have reason to suspect the least falling off in the fear, obedience,

and respect which you have hitherto professed, if the pure flame of

passion which first kindled the fire of my heart should seem to me any

day to burn less vividly, you need fear no reproaches I would not

weary you with letters bearing any trace of weakness, pride, or anger,

nor even with one of warning like this But if I spoke no words,

Felipe, my face would tell you that death was near And yet I should

not die till I had branded you with infamy, and sown eternal sorrow in