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First Published 1941
Now in the Public Doe, while casting a reflected radiance on e And yet it is neither
self-interest nor diffidence which has led me to place it there,
but only the wish that it should bear witness to the solid
friendship between us, which has survived our wanderings and
separations, and triu is hardly likely now to change The goodly company of
friendly names, which will remain attached to my works, forms an
element of pleasure in thenuives rise to fresh
annoyance, were it only in the reproaches aih it could rival in fertility the world fro, George, if the
future antiquarian of dead literatures were to find in this
coenerous hearts, friends bound by
pure and holy ties, the illustrious figures of the century? May I
not justly pride myself on this assured possession, rather than on
a popularity necessarily unstable? For hin himself, as I do here,
Your friend,