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Again they would come to whole towns of palaces, whose proper ined into barracks: troops
of idle soldiers leaning out of the state here their
accoutre to the
away the props of the
edifices that supported them, and must soon, with them, be smashed on
the heads of the other swarms of soldiers and the swarms of priests, and
the swar population left to be
ruined, in the streets below
Through such scenes, the family procession moved on to Venice And here
it dispersed for a time, as they were to live in Venice so as the whole Marshalsea) on the
Grand Canal In this crowning unreality, where all the streets were paved ater,
and where the deathlike stillness of the days and nights was broken by
no sound but the softened ringing of church-bells, the rippling of
the current, and the cry of the gondoliers turning the corners of the
flowing streets, Little Dorrit, quite lost by her task being done, sat
down to ay life, went here and there, and
turned night into day; but she was tiaieties,