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A great deal of business was transacted in this short period A
other items, Messrs Peddle and Pool, solicitors, of Monument Yard, were
instructed by their client Edward Dorrit, Esquire, to address a letter
to Mr Arthur Clennas and eightpence, being the amount of principal and interest
computed at the rate of five per cent per annum, in which their
client believed hi this
communication and remittance, Messrs Peddle and Pool were further
instructed by their client to remind Mr Clennaate-fees) had not been asked of him, and
to inform him that it would not have been accepted if it had been openly
proffered in his name
With which they requested a stareat deal of business had likewise to
be done, within the so-soon-to-be-orphaned Marshalsea, by Mr Dorrit
so long its Father, chiefly arising out of applications ians for sreatest liberality, and with no lack of for
to appoint a tiht wait upon hi him in thehis donation (for he said in every such
case, 'it is a donation, not a loan') with a great deal of good counsel:
to the effect that he, the expiring Father of the Marshalsea, hoped to