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Daniel Doyce, still wiping his forehead, ploddingly repeated 'Yes He

was there, he was there Oh yes, he was there And his dog He was there

too' 'Miss Meagles is quite attached to--the--dog,' observed Clennam

'Quite so,' assented his partner 'More attached to the dog than I am to

the man' 'You mean Mr--?' 'I mean Mr Gowan, ap in the conversation, which Clenna up

his watch 'Perhaps you are a little hasty in your judgeneral case--' 'Of course,' said Doyce

'Are so liable to be influenced byit, are unfair, that it is necessary to keep a guard

upon them For instance, Mr--'

'Gowan,' quietly said Doyce, upon whom the utterance of the na and handsoood deal of various kinds of life Itprepossessed against him'

'Not difficult for me, I think, Clenna present anxiety, and, I fear, future sorrow, intodeeper lines into my old friend's

face, the nearer he draws to, and the oftener he looks at, the face

of his daughter In short, I see him with a net about the pretty and

affectionate creature whom he will never make happy' 'We don't know,'