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'With what then, Mr Pancks? That is to say, assu that you want it of
me' 'Yes, sir; yes, I want it of you,' said Pancks, 'if I can persuade you
to furnish it A, B, C, D DA, DE, DI, DO Dictionary order Dorrit That's the naain, and fell to at his
right-hand nails Arthur looked searchingly at him; he returned the
look 'I don't understand you, Mr Pancks' 'That's the name that I want to know about' 'And what do you want to know?' 'Whatever you can and will tell me'
This coed without so on the part of
Mr Pancks's ular visit, Mr Pancks It strikes me as rather
extraordinary that you should come, with such an object, to ether,' returned Pancks 'It may be out
of the ordinary course, and yet be business In short, it is business I
am a man of business What business have I in this present world, except
to stick to business? No business'
With his fore were quite in
earnest, Clennaain turned his eyes attentively upon his face It
was as scrubby and dingy as ever, and as eager and quick as ever, and he