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Page 222 (1/2)

Powder! There was so , that it flavoured the

dinner Pulverous particles got into the dishes, and Society'sof first-rate footmen Mr Merdle took down a countess who

was secluded somewhere in the core of an immense dress, to which she

was in the proportion of the heart to the overgrown cabbage If so low a

simile may be admitted, the dress went down the staircase like a richly

brocaded Jack in the Green, and nobody knehat sort of s it could want, and could not want, for dinner

It had everything to look at, and everything to eat, and everything to

drink It is to be hoped it enjoyed itself; for Mr Merdle's own share of

the repast hteenpence Mrs Merdle was

nificent institution of

the day He was the stateliest , but

he looked on as few other ift to Society Mr Merdle didn't want hireat creature looked at hiot him

The invisible countess carried out the Green at the usual stage of

the entertainment, and the file of beauty was closed up by the bosom

Treasury said, Juno Bishop said, Judith