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Upon that establishment of state, the Merdle establishment in Harley
Street, Cavendish Square, there was the shadow of no more common wall
than the fronts of other establishments of state on the opposite side of
the street Like unexceptionable Society, the opposing rows of houses in
Harley Street were very grim with one another Indeed, the mansions and
their inhabitants were so much alike in that respect, that the people
were often to be found drawn up on opposite sides of dinner-tables, in
the shade of their own loftiness, staring at the other side of the way
with the dullness of the houses
Everybody kno like the street the two dinner-rows of people who
take their stand by the street will be The expressionless unifor at in the same form, all
approachable by the sa, all with the same impracticable fire-escapes, the sa without exception
to be taken at a high valuation--who has not dined with these? The
house so drearily out of repair, the occasional bo, the stuccoed
house, the newly-fronted house, the corner house with nothing but
angular rooms, the house with the blinds always down, the house with the
hatchment always up, the house where the collector has called for one
quarter of an Idea, and found nobody at home--who has not dined with