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Page 146 (1/2)

Arthur Clenna at the door This

history in

that course by seeing him

Little Dorrit looked into a dirandly furnished Courtly ideas of Covent Garden, as a place

with faold-laced coats and

swords had quarrelled and fought duels; costly ideas of Covent Garden,

as a place where there were flowers in winter at guineas a-piece,

pine-apples at guineas a pound, and peas at guineas a pint; picturesque

ideas of Covent Garden, as a place where there was a hts to richly-dressed ladies and

gentlemen, and which was for ever far beyond the reach of poor Fanny or

poor uncle; desolate ideas of Covent Garden, as having all those arches

in it, where thewho rats, slunk and hid, fed on offal, huddled together

for war and old, all

ye Barnacles, for before God they are eating away our foundations, and