Page 56 (1/2)

The doctor and the debtor ran down-stairs, leaving the turnkey to return

to the lock, and made for the debtor's rooot hold of the news, and were in the yard Some of them

had already taken possession of the two children, and were hospitably

carrying the loans of little co with the greatest


The gentlee, had for the most part retired, not to say sneaked,

to their rooms; from the open s of which some of them now

complimented the doctor histles as he passed belohile others,

with several stories between theed sarcastic references to

the prevalent excitement It was a hot suh walls

In the debtor's confined chaer, as not a prisoner (though she had been once), but

was the popular medium of communication with the outer world, had

volunteered her services as fly-catcher and general attendant The walls

and ceiling were blackened with flies Mrs Bangham, expert in sudden

device, with one hand fanned the patient with a cabbage leaf, and with

the other set traps of vinegar and sugar in gallipots; at the saratulatory nature,

adapted to the occasion