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'May I ask you,' he said, 'what is the nales struck in 'I have not the least idea' 'I thought,' said the other, 'that--' 'Tattycoraain 'Thank you--that Tattycoram was a name; and I have several times
wondered at the oddity of it'
'Why, the fact is,' said Mr Meagles, 'Mrs Meagles and myself are, you
see, practical people' 'That you have frequentlyconversations we have had together, walking up and down on
these stones,' said the other, with a half sravity of his dark face 'Practical people So one day, five or six years ago noe took
Pet to church at the Foundling--you have heard of the Foundling Hospital
in London? Similar to the Institution for the Found Children in Paris?'
'I have seen it' 'Well! One day e took Pet to church there to hear the
music--because, as practical people, it is the business of our lives to
show her everything that we think can please her--Mother (an to cry so, that it was necessary to take her out
"What's the ht her a little
round: "you are frightening Pet, my dear" "Yes, I know that, Father,"
says Mother, "but I think it's throughher so much, that it
ever came into my head" "That ever what came into your head, Mother?"
"O dear, dear!" cried Mother, breaking out again, "when I saw all those