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How this young Newton (for such I

judge him to be) came by his information, I don't know; he was a quarter

of a century too young to know anything about it of himself I pointed

to theof the room where Little Dorrit was born, and where her

father lived so long, and asked hier who

tenanted that apartment at present? He said, 'Tom Pythick' I asked him

as Tom Pythick? and he said, 'Joe Pythick's uncle'

A little further on, I found the older and smaller wall, which used

to enclose the pent-up inner prison where nobody was put, except for

cere out of

Angel Court, leading to Ber-stones of the extinct Marshalsea jail; will see its narrow yard

to the right and to the left, very little altered if at all, except that

the walls were lowered when the place got free; will look upon roo the crowding ghosts of

many miserable years

In the Preface to Bleak House I remarked that I had never had so many

readers In the Preface to its next successor, Little Dorrit, I have

still to repeat the same words Deeply sensible of the affection and

confidence that have grown up between us, I add to this Preface, as I

added to that, May we ain!

London May 1857