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A whole village-full of sensuous eed here in a focus for an hour The forty hearts of those waving couples were beating as they had not done since, twelve ether in sianism was revived in their hearts, the pride of life was all in all, and they adored none other than themselves

How many of those impassioned but temporary embraces were destined to become perpetual was possibly the wonder of soed in thean to envy those pirouetters, to hunger for the hope and happiness which the fascination of the dance see herself, one of Eustacia's expectations of Paris had been the opportunity it ence in this favourite pastime Unhappily, that expectation was now extinct within her for ever

Whilst she abstractedly watched theht she suddenly heard her na in surprise, she beheld at her elbow one whose presence instantly caused her to flush to the temples

It was Wildeve Till this e, when she had been loitering in the church, and had startled hiister as witness Yet why the sight of hiated that sudden rush of blood she could not tell

Before she could speak he whispered, "Do you like dancing as much as ever?"

"I think I do," she replied in a low voice

"Will you dance with e for e?"

"What strangeness can there be in relations dancing together?"

"Ah--yes, relations Perhaps none"

"Still, if you don't like to be seen, pull down your veil; though there is not ers are here"

She did as he suggested; and the act was a tacit acknowledgave her his ar to the bottom of the dance, which they entered In two an working their way upwards to the top Till they had advanced halfway thither Eustacia wished more than once that she had not yielded to his request; from the middle to the top she felt that, since she had co to obtain it Fairly launched into the ceaseless glides and whirls which their new position as top couple opened up to the rumination of any kind