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The cals and leant over the at the ain opened Expecting to see the reht came out as softly as she had done, and closed the door behind him
He advanced and stood beside her "I have an odd opinion," he said, "and should like to ask you a question Are you a woered on her with great interest "Do girls often play as mummers now? They never used to"
"They don't now"
"Why did you?"
"To get excitement and shake off depression," she said in low tones
"What depressed you?"
"That's a cause of depression a goodsilence "And do you find excitement?" asked Clym at last
"At thisdiscovered?"
"Yes; though I thought I ladly have asked you to our party had I known you wished to come Have I ever been acquainted with you in ain, and stay as long as you like?"
"No I wish not to be further recognized"
"Well, you are safe with ently, "I will not intrude upon you longer It is a strange way of , and I will not ask why I find a cultivated wo such a part as this" She did not volunteer the reason which he see thence round to the back of the house, where he walked up and down by hi
Eustacia, warmed with an inner fire, could not wait for her co back the ribbons froate, and at once struck into the heath She did not hasten along Her grandfather was in bed at this hour, for she so frequently walked upon the hills on oings, and, enjoying himself in his oay, left her to do likewise A rossed her Yeobright, if he had the least curiosity, would infallibly discover her name What then? She first felt a sort of exultation at the way in which the adventure had terh at moments between her exultations she was abashed and blushful Then this consideration recurred to chill her: What was the use of her exploit? She was at present a total stranger to the Yeobright family The unreasonable niht be her misery How could she allow herself to becoer? And to fill the cup of her sorrow there would be Tho day after day in inflammable proximity to him; for she had just learnt that, contrary to her first belief, he was going to stay at home some considerable time