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When Emma, Bertie's child, came hoirlhood to young womanhood She hite, and sandy-haired She was not beautiful, and she appeared to be fragile; but she also looked sweet and good, with that peculiar innocence which peers out upon the world with calm, round eyes and sees no evil, but does methodically its simple, everyday work Zora mothered her, Miss Sirl But Mrs Cresswell found her perfect, and began to scheme to marry her off For Mary Cresswell, with the restlessness and unhappiness of an une to atone for her former blunders

Her humiliation after the episode at Cresswell Oaks had been coinal cause of her whole life punish of the black people and their probleorous, self-sacrificing woain see; she was a born leader, wedded to a great cause; she had long outgrown the boy and girl affection She was the sort of woht have been if she had not reat, virile boy, requiring a simple, affectionate mate No sooner did she see Emma than she was sure that this was the ideal wife She compared herself with Helen Cresswell Helen was a contented wife and mother because she was fitted for the position, and happy in it; while she who had aih had fallen piteously From such a fate she would save Zora and Bles

E had been simple and short and there was no resident physician; but Eood a hospital erected with four white beds, a private room, and an office which was also Emma's bedroom The nehite physician in town, just fresh from school in Atlanta, becaestions

Meantian to increase Under the old political regie-suits for the accidents in the mill Much child labor and the lack of protective devices made accidents painfully frequent Taylor insisted that the chief cause was carelessness, while the lect on his part When the new labor officials took charge of the court and the break occurred between Colonel Cresswell and his son-in-law, Taylor found that several dae-suits were likely to cost him a considerable sum