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Colonel Cressent red, than pale, and leaning forward before the whole court, he hurled: "You daeted in his seat There was soe plucked up courage: "The defendant is ordered to deliver this cotton to Zora Cresswell," he directed

The raging of Colonel Cresswell's anger now turned against John Taylor as well as the Negroes Wind of the estrangement flew over town quickly The poor whites saw a chance to win Taylor's influence and the sheriff approached hiht courtesy He was irritated with this devilish Negro proble life, and here was this fool trial to upsetI' will swing in the niggers on us"

"How do you mean?"

"Let 'em vote"

"But they'd have to read and write"


"Well, then," said Taylor, "it "

Colton eyed hier vote?"

"Why, yes, if he had sense enough"

"There ain't no nigger got sense"

"Oh, pshaw!" Taylor ejaculated, walking away

The sheriff was angry and mistrustful He believed he had discovered a deep-laid scheme of the aristocrats to cultivate friendliness bethites and blacks, and then use black voters to crush the whites Such a course was, in Colton's erous, monstrous, and unnatural; ithis friends One or two s were held, and the flame of racial prejudice was studiously fanned

The ate Whatever little beginnings of friendship and understanding had arisen now quickly disappeared The town of a Saturday no longer belonged to a happy, careless crowd of black peasants, but the black folk found thely quarrels flashed here and there with a quick arrest of the Negroes

Colonel Cresswell made a sudden resolve He sent for the sheriff and received hi hiood liquor

"Colton," he asked, "are you sending any of your white children to the nigger school yet?"

"What!" yelled Colton

The Colonel laughed, frankly telling Colton John Taylor's philosophy on the race probleroes vote; his threat to let blacks and whites work together; his contempt for the officials elected by the people

"Candidly, Colton," he concluded, "I believe in aristocracy I can't think it right or wise to replace the old aristocracy by new and untried blood" And in a sudden outburst--"But, by God, sir! I'm a white man, and I place the lohite ht of This Yankee, Taylor, is a nigger-lover He's secretly encouraging and helping the you in time"