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Page 229 (1/1)

"This isat his interested survey They went out again and wandered down near the old lagoon

"Now, Bles," she began, "since we understand each other, can we not work together as good friends?" She spoke simply and frankly, without apparent effort, and talked on at length of her work and vision

Somehow he could not understand His uardianship, and instruction He had been judging and weighing her frohts of uplift and develop her dark little hands to lead her out of the swaer he had half forgotten and deserted her, this vision of elder brotherhood had still re revolutionized She was proposing to hieneration of the land It was a plan carefully studied out, long thought of and read about He was asked to be co-worker--nay, in a sense to be a follower, for he was ignorant of much

He hesitated Then all at once a sense of his utter unworthiness overwhele this unselfish woman? Who was he to falter when she called? A sense of his sish blindness, rose like aalone held hi to be simply human, a learner and a follower; but would he as such ever command the love and respect of this new and inexplicable woman? Would not comradeship on the basis of the new friendship which she insisted on, be the death of love and thoughts of love?

Thus he hesitated, knowing that his duty lay clear In her direst need he had deserted her He had left her to go to destruction and expected that she would By a superhuman miracle she had risen and seated herself above hi; here ork to be done He was asked to help; he would help If it killed his old and new-born dreaood; it was his punishrew to it gradually, inwardly revolting, feeling always a great longing to take this wo hiing, yet ever again holding hinity of her life Only now and then, when their eyesflash of fla behind showers of tears, until in aveil left only the frank open glance, unwavering, soft, kind, but nothing o wearily away, vexed or disappointed, or ain