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"There is not the slightest doubt, Miss Wynn," Senator S, "but that the schools of the District will be reorganized"

"And the Board of Education abolished?" she added

"Yes The poill be delegated to a single white superintendent"

The vertical line in Caroline Wynn's forehead became pronounced

"Whose work is this, Senator?" she asked

"Well, there are, of course, various parties back of the change: the 'outs,' the reformers, the whole tendency to concentrate responsibility, and so on But, frankly, the deciding factor was the deton that the South does not already own?"

Senator Smith smiled thinly

"Not much," drily; "but n the South"

"And part of the price is putting the colored schools of the District in the hands of a Southernus of all voice in their control?"

"Precisely, Miss Wynn But you'd be surprised to know that it was the Negroes themselves who stirred the South to this demand"

"Not at all; you mean the colored newspapers, I presume"

"The same, with Teerswell's clever articles; then his partner Stillings worked the 'iuet the South in control of the schools"