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When she went South late in September, Mary Taylor had two definite but allied objects: she was to get all possible business infor the Cresswells, and she was to induce Miss S the local whites in her work The programme attracted Miss Taylor She felt in touch, even if direat industrialpioneer in philanthropy Both roles she liked Besides, they held, each, certain proued, one must have even in Alaba to be a big fine bronze giant, and Mary was glad to see hi school, to glean asthe coro youth quicker, surer, and ent in his answers than those she questioned elsewhere, and she gained real enjoy splendidly?" she said to Miss Smith one afternoon There was an unmistakable note of enthusiasm in her voice Miss Smith slowly closed her letter-file but did not look up

"Yes," she said crisply "He's eighteen now--quite ato talk with"

"H'hts, and she did not notice the other woman's manner

"Do you know," she pursued, "I'"

"So am I"

"Oh, you've noted it, too?--his friendship for that i look

"What of it?" she demanded

"She is so far beneath hi; I don't understand her"

"The two are not quite the same"

"Of course not; but she is unnaturally forward"

"Too bright," Miss Smith amplified