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"Coruned no answer She walked placidly to the table, where she took up a handful of cold corn-bread and meat, and then went over and curled up by the fire
Elspeth and the girl talked and laughed coarsely, and the night wore on
By and by loud laughter and tra came from the road--a sound of numerous footsteps Zora listened, leapt to her feet and started to the door The old crone threw an epithet after her; but she flashed through the lighted doorway and was gone, followed by the oath and shouts fro and revel, and day dawned again Out from some fastness of the wood crept Zora She stopped and bathed in a pool, and co hair, then entered silently to breakfast
Thus began in the dark swamp that primal battle with the Word She hated it and despised it, but her pride was in arht her ith a dogged persistence that brought word after word of praise and interest froer mind fleith a rapidity that startled; the stories especially she devoured--tales of strange things and countries andto her memory
"Didn't I tell you there was lots to learn?" he asked once
"I knew it all," she retorted; "every bit I'se thought it all before; only the little things is different--and I like the little, strange things"
Spring ripened to su so under their forest oak, "you o to school"
She eyed his worth knowing in this world, haven't you, Zora?"
"Yes," she admitted
"But there are s--you have not dreamed of"
She stared at hi with the old assurance Then she looked down at her bare brown feet and torn gown