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Page 136 (1/1)

"Anyway," he continued, "I haven't the vital urge I wanted to be a regular huirl couldn't see it that way"

"You'll find another"

"God! Banish the thought Why don't you tellshe'd have waited for you'? No, sir, the girl really worth having won't wait for anybody If I thought there'd be another I'd losefaith in huirl in the orld that could have held ood hour by the clock Still, I'ain on soreed Amory reluctantly "Yet when I see a happy family it makes me sick at my stomach--"

"Happy families try to make people feel that way," said Tom cynically


There were days when Aed in the slaughter of American literature Words failed him

"Fifty thousand dollars a year," he would cry "My God! Look at them, look at them--Edna Ferber, Gouverneur Morris, Fanny Hurst, Mary Roberts Rinehart--not producing a 'em one story or novel that will last ten years This --and what's more, I don't think very y with advertising And--oh Harold Bell Wright oh Zane Grey--"

"They try"

"No, they don't even try Some of them can write, but they won't sit down and do one honest novel Most of theive a real, comprehensive picture of American life, but his style and perspective are barbarous Ernest Poole and Dorothy Canfield try but they're hindered by their absolute lack of any sense of hu it thin Every author ought to write every book as if he were going to be beheaded the day he finished it"

"Is that double entente?"

"Don't slow me up! Now there's a few of 'eence and a good deal of literary felicity but they just simply won't write honestly; they'd all claiood stuff Then why the devil is it that Wells, Conrad, Galsworthy, Shaw, Bennett, and the rest depend on America for over half their sales?"