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"Lordy," Amory breathed "I couldn't have done that I'd have come out half-way, and the first time an automobile passed and made the dark thicker when its lamps disappeared, I'd have come in"
"Well," Burne said suddenly, after a few h, let's turn back"
On the return he launched into a discussion of will
"It's the whole thing," he asserted "It's the one dividing line between good and evil I've never met a man who led a rotten life and didn't have a ill"
"How about great criminals?"
"They're usually insane If not, they're weak There is no such thing as a strong, sane criether; how about the superman?"
"He's evil, I think, yet he's strong and sane"
"I've never h, that he's stupid or insane"
"I've met him over and over and he's neither That's why I think you're wrong"
"I'm sure I'm not--and so I don't believe in imprisonment except for the insane"
On this point Aree It see cri; in politics and business one found hienerals; but Burne never agreed and their courses began to split on that point
Burne was drawing farther and farther away froned the vice-presidency of the senior class and took to reading and walking as alraduate lectures in philosophy and biology, and sat in all of them with a rather pathetically intent look in his eyes, as if waiting for so the lecturer would never quite come to Sometimes Aht up; he was on fire to debate a point
He grewa snob, but A of the sort, and once when Burne passed hily, his mind a thousand miles away, A hihts where others would be forever unable to get a foothold
"I tell you," Amory declared to Tom, "he's the first contemporary I've ever met whom I'll admit is my superior in mental capacity"
"It's a bad ti to think he's odd"