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The speed of the train slackened; a broad tidal river flashed into sight below the trestle, spreading away on either hand through yellowing levelundertone of the cars, from far ahead floated back the treble bell-notes of the loco vibration of brakes; slowly,standstill beside a sun-scorched platforowns

"Shotover! Shotover!" rang the far cry along the cars; and an absent-azine he had been dreaun case and valise, followed a line of fellow-passengers to the open air, where one by one they were engulfed and lost to view aay confusion on the platfor man, however, did not see, leisurely inspecting the flashing ranks of vehicles--depot wagons, oravel drive centred by the conventional railroad flower bed and fountain

Sunshine blazed on foliage plants arranged geoeraniums, on thickets of tall flaardening, phaeton, Tilbury, Mercedes, and Toledo backed, circled, tooted; gaily goouests; laughing young rooantly veiled, uests whose extravagant veils were yet to be unpacked; slis, caps adorned with elaborate ears; preoccupiedwith valve and radiator or were cranking up; and, through the jolly tumult, thetrain h the September sunshine a un case in one hand, suit case in the other, looked about hiood-huht be waiting for hie-e of vision; and he spoke to this official,his host's nae- a trunk dexterously into rank with its fellows "Say, one of Mr Ferrall'sthat there bird-dog!"

The young ri beside a dog's travelling crate, atte to unlock it, while behind the bars an excited white setter whined and thrust forth first one silky paw then the other