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A young knight, ruddy-bearded and tall, a red griffin upon his surcoat, had appeared in the opening of the tent His flushed face and disheveled dress showed that he had come in haste "Sire," said he, "I aord I have told you yesterday all that I have learned of the English caain ad to the rear Sire, they are in flight for Bordeaux"

"'Fore God, I knew it!" cried the Duke of Orleans in a voice of fury "Whilst we have been talking they have slipped through our fingers Did I not warn you?"

"Be silent, Philip!" said the King angrily "But you, sir, have you seen this with your own eyes?"

"With ht froaze "I know not how it accords with your honor to carry such tidings in such a fashion," said he; "but we cannot choose but take advantage of it Fear not, brother Philip, it is in lishhtfall Should we fall upon thee Now, fair sirs, I pray you to hasten to your posts and to carry out all that we have agreed Advance the oriflamme, Geoffrey, and do you marshal the divisions, Arnold Sothis day!"

The Prince of Wales stood upon that little knoll where Nigel had halted the day before Beside hie, the Gascon Captal de Buch The threethe distant French lines, while behind theons wound down to the ford of the Muisson

Close in the rear four knights in full armor with open visors sat their horses and conversed in undertones with each other A glance at their shields would have given their names to any soldier, for they were all men of fa their orders, for each of them commanded the whole or part of a division of the army The youth upon the left, dark, slim and earnest, was Williae and yet a veteran of Crecy How high he stood in reputation is shown by the fact that the co arrizzled harsh-faced e, with lion features and fierce light-blue eyes which gleamed as they watched the distant enemy It was the faht without a break froh the whole Continental War The other tall silent soldier, with the silver star glea upon his surcoat, was John de Vere, Earl of Oxford, and he listened to the talk of Thomas Beauchamp, a burly, jovial, ruddy nobleman and a tried soldier, who leaned forward and tapped his h They were old battle-coe and in the very prime of life, with equal faroup of falish soldiers who sat their horses behind the Prince and waited for their orders