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"Rather lonely," she adri lonely," she added softly "I don't now, of course
"You are a queer little person," he said kindly, as they went down in the lift "Haven't you any friends?"
She shrugged her shoulders
"What sort of friends could I have?" she asked "The girls in the chorus with me are very nice, some of them, but they know so many people who of the sort"
"And you?"
She shook her head
"I went to one supper-party with the girl who is near me," she said "I liked it very ain"
"I wonder why?" he remarked
"Oh, I don't know!" she went on drearily "You see, I think the enerally expect to be allowed to make love to them At any rate, they behaved like that Such a horrid s to me and I didn't like it a bit So they left irl I lived with and her o to see soh, very dull, especially now they're away"
"What on earth e at all?" he asked
"What could one do?" she answered "My mother's money died with her--she had only an annuity--and my stepfather, who had promised to look after me, lost all his money and died quite suddenly Arthur was in a stockbroker's office and he couldn't save anything My only friend wasand was director of the orchestra at the Universal All he could do for et me a place in the chorus I have been there ever since They keep on proet it It's always like that in theatres You have to be a favorite of the et your chance unless you are unusually lucky"
"I don't know much about theatres," he adet away froolf, or anything that's going When I a up a few friends, or playing bridge at the club I never have been a theatre-goer